Saturday, May 29, 2010

Paris Whirlwind

Hello everyone! I have now been in Paris for a few days. Since I switched over a hostel from a couchsurfing host, I don't have free internet use, so my posts will be limited until I get back from Karlsruhe, Germany.

He's a quick rundown of what I've been doing, and what my next few days will look like.

I've done quite a bit of sight seeing. I got to see Sam and her friend Alex, who is studying in Paris from Germany. I also met up with Frank for a bit. It's so weird seeing people from home in foreign countries! It's very nice to be able to hang out with people that I know.

Today, I met a very nice girl who is in my room at the hostel. She is originally from Poland and is a law student, but is taking a year off as an au pair in Zurich. Today we teamed up for a bit of sight seeing which was very nice. We went up to Montmarte and Sacre Couers, a famous cathedral. It was a nice walk and we ended up going through a farmer's market type thing on the way, which was really cool. Got some free samples of fruits and things. Then we headed down to Champs Elysee, and walked from the Louvre to the Arc de Triompe. It was a nice stroll and I got to take a lot of pictures. After that we stopped for some crepes, and then walked to La Fayette, which is basically a huge mall. Walked around there for a bit, and then headed back to the hostel for a break. Tonight we are going to Centre Georges Pompidou, which is named for the president of France of the early 70's. It is supposed to be beautiful at night, so I'm quite excited. I haven't done the Eiffel Tower yet, but I definitely would like to go when it is dark, so I have to see when would be best.

On Monday I leave for Soultz and will be talking with Albert Genter. Then I will spend the night in Karlsruhe (which, as I learned from Alex, is pronounced Carls-rooooooh, not Carls-roo-hey, which is how I said it). A last minute visit to Landau is going to work out I believe, so I will likely extend my stay there another night. Then it is back to Paris at which point I will be staying with Frank and his family and completing my time in Paris.

Well, my internet time is about to run out so I've got to go! Hope everyone is well!

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